PRIVATEER (2023-2025)
Reference: HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-101096110
Abstract: Privacy is considered a key pillar in EU research and development activities towards 6G. In the 6G multi-actor pluralistic environment, privacy is pivotal, not only for the end users, but also for all involved stakeholders; and it needs to be taken into account as a key requirement in all technologies of the network stack, including security mechanisms. In other words, the challenge for security enablers in future networks is, on the one hand, to address the significantly widened 6G threat landscape, while on the other hand to preserve the privacy of all actors in the 6G chain. Intrusive security cannot be any more considered acceptable. In this context, the mission of PRIVATEER is to pave the way for 6G “privacy-first security” by studying, designing and developing innovative security enablers for 6G networks, following a privacy-by-design approach. The PRIVATEER "privacy-first" 6G security framework will consist of a set of enablers built around four pillars: i) decentralised robust security analytics, towards avoiding data centralisation as well as AI mechanisms hardened against adversarial actions resulting in privacy breaches; ii) privacy-aware slicing and security service orchestration, introducing "privacy intent" as an additional factor affecting network service lifecycle management; iii) distributed attestation and identity check, making authentication and integrity verification more privacy-friendly; and iv) searchable encryption mechanisms for privacy-preserving Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) sharing. The integrated PRIVATEER framework will be deployed in a campus-wide B5G test network and evaluated against relevant vertical use case scenarios. The security enablers developed in PRIVATEER will complement (and be compatible with) “native” 5G/6G security controls as standardized by 3GPP for basic functionalities (network attachment, authentication, authorization etc.) to achieve a holistic, privacy-friendly security solution for future networks.
PANDORA (2020-2022)
Cyber Defence Platform for Real-Time Threat Hunting, Incident Response and Information Sharing
Abstract: The PANDORA project aims at contributing to EU cyber defence capacity building, by designing and implementing an open technical solution for real-time threat hunting and incident response, focusing on endpoint protection, as well as information sharing. The PANDORA system aims also to promptly detect and classify known and unknown threats, enforce policies on-the-fly to counter these threats, and also exchange threat intelligence information with third parties, at both national and international level. The technical solution developed in PANDORA will be integrated and assessed in a pre-operational environment against two relevant use cases: warship security and military sensor network security.
AnyPLACE (2015-2018)
Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange
Reference: H2020-646580
Abstract: The aim of AnyPLACE project is to develop a modular, secure and flexible smart metering platform, with management and control functionalities, to support an active exchange of services between smart grid stakeholders, such as end-users, equipment manufacturers and service providers (current and new market representatives, electricity network operators and ICT providers).
SUNNY (2014-2017)
Smart UNmanned aerial vehicle sensor Network for detection of border
Reference: FP7-313243
Abstract: SUNNY is to develop and integrate novel and comprehensive solutions for intelligent surveillance of borders (land and sea) for detecting crossing and illegal entry using a heterogeneous network of sensors carried by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The developed SUNNY system will provide both large and focused capability for effective border surveillance, that is, to be able to monitor large maritime or terrestrial border area and to detect and track targets and intended incursions.
ALICANTE (2010-2012)
Media Ecosystem Deployment Through Ubiquitous Content-Aware Network Environments
Reference: FP7-ICT-248652
Abstract: The ALICANTE project proposes a novel concept towards the deployment of a networked "Media Ecosystem", which enables every user to access multimedia contexts in several contexts and to share and deliver his audiovisual contents dynamically, seamlessly, and transparently to the other users.
ENTHRONE (2006-2008)
End-to-End QoS through Integrated Management of Content, Networks and Terminals
Reference: IST-2006-507637
Abstract: A key element for the successful mass market provision of audio-visual services that would produce revenues for the content/service providers and network operators is an integrated management solution based on the end-to-end QoS over heterogeneous networks and terminals. The ENTHRONE project proposes an integrated management solution that covers the entire audio-visual service distribution chain, including protected content handling, distribution across networks and reception at user terminals. The aim is not to unify or impose a strategy on each individual entity of the chain, but to harmonise their functionality, in order to support an end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) architecture over heterogeneous networks, applied to a variety of audio-visual services that are delivered to various user terminals. To meet its objectives, the project is relying on an efficient, distributed and open management architecture for the end-to-end delivery chain. The MPEG-21 data model is used to provide the common support for implementing and managing the resources functionalities.
BLOCKCHAIN.PT - Agenda “Descentralizar Portugal com Blockchain” (2022-2025)
Reference: 02/C05-i01.01/2022.PC644918095-00000033
Abstract: A Agenda “Descentralizar Portugal com Blockchain” cria uma fileira nacional blockchain, com a visão da importância da tecnologia enquanto motor de inovação e o objetivo de aproveitar as oportunidades de negócio globais geradas por essa tecnologia. Juntamos 56 organizações (24 empresas, 15 ENESII, 2 Associações, 5 entidades públicas e 10 parceiros associados), sob a liderança da VOID Software, organizadas em 6 WP verticais (Agricultura e Agro Alimentar; Saúde; Territórios Sustentáveis e Inteligentes; Desporto Lazer e Cultura; Nova Economia do Conhecimento; Gestão de Ativos Digitais) e 4 WP horizontais (Gestão; Capacitação; Inovação e Disseminação; Interoperabilidade). Os resultados destas parcerias, com um investimento superior a 72 milhões de euros, permitem lançar 26 produtos com elevado potencial de exportação e escalabilidade. A fileira criada nesta Agenda vai permitir a Portugal ser um líder europeu nesta tecnologia, ajudando o país a ser mais digital, verde e resiliente.
CYBERSecurity SciEntific Competences and Innovation Potential (2020-2023)
Reference: CybersSecIP
Abstract: To strength the scientific competences and innovation potential of the North region, to tackle the cybersecurity challenge, through investment in a small set of enabling technologies and knowledge, in a coherent program organized in two research lines: one related to the design and protection of secure digital systems, and a second centered on data security and privacy.
HomeASPsolutions (2009-2010)
Reference: Ptin/HomeASPsolutions
Abstract: Develop a solution that enables authentication, security, and privacy in new communication services for customers within home networks or through the Portugal Telecom network, with minor user intervention.
CLIF (2008-2009)
Management of User Generated Multicast Sessions in IMS-based Networks
Reference: PTin/CLIF
Abstract: Factors such as the growing number of multimedia terminals, the constant increase of bandwidth available per user, and the large number of existing data sharing applications, are compelling users to generate and distribute their own content to restricted groups of other users. Inorder to support such scenario, we present an IMS-based solution that enables content distribution, in multicast, to groups of users, where the source of the content is also an end-user. The proposed solution allows the source of content to configure the service, indicating a list of authorized receivers and both the transmission date and duration. Moreover, the proposed solution also allows the operator to manage the registered user profiles, to impose access control and to validate the configurations submitted by the users.
GestMcast (2007)
Admission Control in IP Multicast over Heterogeneous Access Networks
Reference: PTin/GestMcast
Abstract: Network operators have been reluctant to deploy IP multicast services mainly due to the lack of native control over multicast groups. This lack of control does not only prevent operators from generating revenue from multicast-based services but also hinders regular network management. In this work we identified the network elements where admission control should be enforced for multicast session spawning over heterogeneous access networks. GestMcast uses existing AAA functionality to perform user identification and multicast session admission control. This control is made at the network layer with no protocol modifications. Three access networks were considered: xDSL, WiMAX and UMTS.
McastSeguro (2004-2005)
Secure Multicast IPTV
Reference: PTin/McastSeguro
Abstract: The current trend in technological evolution is leading telecommunications to all-IP network scenarios, where multiple services are transported as IP packets. Among these are the services based in group communications over IP with confidentiality requirements. Secure IP multicast may be used for the secure broadcasting of multiple video channels over IP. However, scenarios where users switch rapidly between video channels (zapping) introduce new requirements, including very low channel access times and low amounts of signaling.